Chapter 7

_______________-chemicals produced by some bacteria that are used to limit the growth of other bacteria

_______________-any organism that uses oxygen for respiration.

_______________-disease-producing organism

_______________-simplest form of asexual reproduction in which two new cells are produced with genetic material identical to each other and identical to the previous cell

_______________-bacteria that convert nitrogen in the air into forms that can be used by plants and animals

_______________-organism that uses dead organisms as a food source and helps recycle nutrients so they are available for use by other organisms

_______________- any organism that is able to live without oxygen

_______________-preparation made from killed bacteria or damaged particles from bacterial cell walls or viruses that can prevent some bacterial and viral disease

_______________-long, thin whip-like structure that helps organisms move through moist or wet surroundings

_______________-poisonous substance produced by some pathogens

_______________-thick-walled, protective structure produced by some bacteria when conditions are unfavorable for survival


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