Chapter 17

Like all the other living tissues in your body, bone tissue is made of cells that take in nutrients and use energy.  They need the same needs as other body cells.

All the bones in your body make up your skeletal system.


·        ____________ and ____________ body

·        ____________ internal organs

·        ____________ ____________ – small pits and bumps located on bones give site for attachment

·        Make ____________  (carry oxygen and fight diseases)

·        Store ____________ and ____________ (give bones their ____________ )

____________ – is a tight membrane covering the bone.

There are two types of bone tissue:

1.     ____________ bone – is hard and strong.  It contains calcium phosphate and gives bones their strength.

2.     ____________ bone – is lighter bone found toward the end of long bones.  It has many small, open spaces that make bones lightweight.

____________ is soft/spongy fatty tissue inside the bone.  This is the location of cell formation.  2 – 3 million red blood cells are being made each second.  Bone itself does not contain blood vessels.


·        Is a smooth flexible tissue that contains no blood vessels or minerals.

·        It is found between bones, nose, and ears.

·        Cartilage gives a pillow of cushion to absorb friction and shock as bones hit together.

·        People with damaged cartilage experience much pain.

Humans have _______ bones when they are born and only ________when they are an adult.

Bones are always being changed.  Cells are constantly being made and destroyed.

     ____________ – build new bone cells by replacing cartilage.

     ____________ – destroy or break down bone cells. 

These two work together to help maintain Calcium and Phosphorus levels in the blood.

              If the level of these is down in the blood, bone cells are broken down to

release more Ca and Ph into the blood.

____________ – Joints are where two or more bones meet.

____________ – hold together bones at the joints.  There are usually more than one.

There are 2 categories of joints.

1.     ____________ offer little or no movement.  Examples include the ____________ and ____________ .

2.     ____________ allow for motion.

a.      ____________ – one bone rotates in a ring of another bone that doesn’t move (____________  is an example).

b.     ____________  – one bone is round and fits in a cup of another bone.  This provides a wider range of movement (____________ and ____________ are examples).

c.     ____________ – back and forth movements like a door is found at this joint.  These are more stable than a ball and socket (not dislocated easily).

d.     ____________ – one bone slides over another moving in back and forth motion.  These are found in the ____________ and ____________ and ____________ .  These are the most numerous joints of the body.

 To smooth movement between bones-         

1.     ____________ is found between joints to increase cushion and decrease friction.

2.     ____________ is found here to lubricate.

____________ – is the most common joint problem (1 out of every 7 Americans).  It occurs when the cartilage between bones breaks down in the joints due to wearing or due to the body’s immune system.


 ____________ – are organs that contract and get shorter.

There are more than ____________ muscles in the human body.

Muscles move bones as levers. 

·        There are three classes of levers dependent on the location of the fulcrum, resistance, and effort.

Muscles can be categorized into ____________ or ____________ .

·        ____________ muscles are those that can be controlled consciously.

o       ____________ muscles are voluntary. (attach to bone)  These muscles are the most numerous muscles in the human body, and they work in pairs (when one contracts the other relaxes). Muscles always pull and never push.

·        ____________ muscles are not consciously controlled.

o       ____________ muscles  They are found in the heart.  The human heart beats about 70 times per minute.

o       ____________ muscles  They are found in the internal organs such as the bladder, intestine, and around blood vessels.

 The size of a muscle cell depends on use.  The number of muscle cells may not change, but the size of the cells do.

 Muscles change ____________ energy (glucose) into ____________ energy (movement) and ____________ energy (heat).


____________ – is the largest sense organ human have.

It has three layers. 

1.     The ____________ is the outermost and thinnest layer.  The epidermis is made of two smaller layers, one of which is dead and one is constantly reproducing cells.  Pores are small holes in the epidermis.

Cells in the epidermis make ____________ which is the pigment of your skin.

2.     The inner most layer is the ____________ It contains blood vessels, nerves,  muscles, oil and sweat glands, and hair follicles.

3.     The third layer is the ____________ region.  This area insulates the body.

 Functions of skin

1.     ____________ –

a.      From loss of water

b.     Bacteria or other invaders

c.     Injuries to internal tissue

 2.     ____________ – nerves in skin feel

a.      ____________

b.     ____________

c.     ____________

 3.     ____________ formation – helps you absorb calcium into your blood from food.

 4.     Regulation of ____________

a.      ____________ and expanding of blood vessels cool the skin

b.     ____________ and constricting blood vessels warm the skin

 5.     Excretion of ____________

a.      ____________

b.     ____________

 Skin injuries may be minor or life threatening.

 ____________ are broken blood vessels under the skin.  The colors are pigments formed as the blood is broken down.

 ____________ are tears in the skin. 

·        New skin cells under scabs form to fill in the gap in the skin.

·        Scars are formed if a lot of skin is lost and a lot of tissue fibers were formed.

·        If too much skin was lost to replace, a persons life may be threatened so skin graphs may need to be used.

o       Pieces of skin that are moved to a new location are called skin grafts.

o       Skin transplants from another person (or another animal) are only temporary and must be replaced or removed in three weeks.

o       New technology is being used to help repair skin loss and prevent deaths that may result from the skin loss.